<%@ Language=VBScript %> <% dim dbCon, RS, NEGames NEGames = "" Set DbCon = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") DbCon.Open Application("mikeandjeff") sql = "Select game_date, team_name, game_location from Nebraska_games order by game_date" Set RS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.recordset") RS.Open SQL,DbCon,3 if RS.BOF and RS.EOF then 'Do Nothing no Dates else for i = 0 to RS.RecordCount -1 NEGames = NEGames & Chr(34) & RS.Fields("team_name") & Chr(34) NEGames = NEGames & "," & Chr(34) & RS.Fields("game_location") & Chr(34) NEGames = NEGames & "," & Chr(34) & formatdatetime(RS.Fields("game_date"),2) & " " & formatdatetime(RS.Fields("game_date"),4)& Chr(34) if i <> RS.RecordCount -1 then NEGames = NEGames & "," end if RS.MoveNext next end if %> MikeaNdJeff.com